Learn about the Transition from CT5 to CT6

As you know, the list of remaining functionality only available in CT5 has dwindled as we’ve worked hard to finish CT6 over the past several months. We’re excited to say that CT6 completion is just around the corner!

Therefore, today we are announcing that CT5 will no longer be available after mid-October 2020.

Our current roadmap forecasts completion of CT5-only features in CT6 by the end of July. After that, we will have a period of intensive CT6 feedback-review, fueled by your input to the Idea Board.

Next Steps

As you complete the transition to using CT6, we will be there right alongside you to help. Here is an outline of the next steps in the process and what you can be doing to prepare.

STEP 1– Finish CT6 Development
Timeframe – Features in process to be completed by end of July 2020

  • Mass Email
  • Event Configuration (Copy Year Event, Copy Activities)
  • Transportation
  • Accounting Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Entity Merge
  • Security

STEP 2 – Develop Plan

  • Meet with your team to discuss and develop a plan for completing the transition to CT6.
    • What features are you currently using in CT5?
    • What training do you need in CT6?

STEP 3 – Feedback
Timeframe – Ongoing

  • If you currently have features that you are using in CT5 and wondering about how they work in CT6, please submit feedback via the Support Portal.
  • If you have ideas on how to improve CT6, please submit those to the Idea Board.

STEP 4 – Training
Timeframe – Ongoing

  • There will be a series of webinars and training opportunities later this summer walking through the new functionality in CT6 to help get your team moved over.

STEP 5 – Transition
Timeframe – Mid-October 2020

  • CT5 will no longer be available after mid-October 2020.
  • As we get closer, we will let you know the specific date.

New Features in CT6

Here is a list of some of the new features currently available in CT6. 




Scheduled Reports / Queries


  • Create Modifiers to allow your customers to customize their order.
  • Print a receipt for an item (like a hamburger) that get fulfilled at a different part of your store via a Bump Printer.