Security Management is the latest feature to be added to CT6! You can now quickly change a user’s group, assign a privilege or reset their password. Easily see what Privileges are inherited by a Group that the user is assigned to. Assigned to user Inherited from group Not assigned to user Read how to create […]
Learn about the Transition from CT5 to CT6
As you know, the list of remaining functionality only available in CT5 has dwindled as we’ve worked hard to finish CT6 over the past several months. We’re excited to say that CT6 completion is just around the corner! Therefore, today we are announcing that CT5 will no longer be available after mid-October 2020. Our current roadmap forecasts completion of CT5-only features in CT6 […]
Quick Checkout in SalesLink 6 Coming Soon
Two updates for SalesLink 6 are scheduled to be released on Tuesday, May 21st that are designed to improve your workflow. Also, check out several new features already available in CT6. Read below to find out what’s new. SalesLink Quick Checkout Speed during the checkout process is paramount to keeping lines manageable and your customers happy at […]
Updates to Event Configuration and other new Features
In anticipation of the new Registation Site, we have made several updates to Event Configuration in CT6. Renamed Steps The following Step names have been change in configuration in CT5 and CT6. Step names on the existing Registration Site are not updated. Old Name New Name Activity Selection Activities Donation Donate Form Upload Forms Pre-Orders […]
Changes to Itineraries and new Application Fee feature
Do you have customers with lots of registrations during the summer that are split up into different Itineraries? Do they need help to be able to make payments or find the correct statement? Read below to learn how Itinerariesfor Child and Self Registation Types are simplified to make it easier on you and your parents. With […]
Updates to Attachments and HR
Find out how you can take advantage of all the new features that CircuiTree has rolled out recently. Here are some highlights that include new options for Attachments, changes to References and updates to Application Management. Attachments Several new options for Attachments that give you the flexibility to collect the information you need. Application Allow […]
Open Registration Policy / Batch Apply Attributes Released
Open Registration Policy An Open Registration Policy allows you to determine when different groups of customers can register for an Event Division on the Registration Site. Policies allow you to create one policy and apply it to multiple Event Divisions as needed. This is useful if you want to open registation for multiple Event Divisions […]
Automated ACH Processing for eChecks Now Available
Are you looking to reduce the cost for processing payments? You can now offer eChecks with automated processing through CircuiTree as an alternative to credit cards. With eChecks, processing costs are much lower than credit cards: 0.75% processing $0.25 per transaction How does the process work?Each night, CircuiTree will automatically process the eCheck payments for you, the […]
Event Configuration in CT6 Released
This month, there are lots of new features that are designed to give you more options while at the same time streamlining your workflow. Also, learn about the upcoming redesign of the Registration Site and how it will improve your customer’s experience. Event Configuration in CT6 You can now create and modify your Events directly […]
Update to Report & Query Viewer
Ever run a Report or Query and then come to find out that you need to adjust the Parameters to filter for something else? Your current process would be to click back in your browser, find the Report or Query again, click view, update the Parameters and then run it again. Now you will be […]