Send message from Timeline and HR Updates

We have been busy working on adding some great new functionality to CT6 that we want to share with you.

Here are some of the new features that are now available including sending a message from Timeline, updates to improve support for full and part time positions in HR, and adding Attributes to Events.

Send a Message from Timeline

Communication between you and your customers is important and being able to track those even more so. Being able to quickly send a message from the Timeline allows you to accomplish both of these goals at the same time.

HR Updates

With another season of gathering applications and hiring staff already started, here are a handful of new items that we are working on to make HR even better.

Transfer Employee to new Position
If a seasonal employee is staying on in a part or full time position, you can easily transfer them to the new position.

Create a Job Posting without Work Periods
Useful when you need to hire Part Time or Full Time employees.
Set begin and end date for Employment
This option is available if there are no Work Periods configured.

Ability to enable or disable a Job Posting
Quickly enable access when you want to open a Job Posting to allow applications.

Event Attributes

Every needed to track specific information about an Event? Perhaps the name of a speaker or which band is playing? Now you can add Attributes to Events to track important information like that.

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