How are grades calculated and used in CircuiTree?
In Circuitree, one individual has multiple grade records; one for each school year. When an event is restricted by grade, it looks for that individual’s grade in the appropriate school year to see if the individual can register.
How does a “school year” relate to an “event year”?
An event year is the calendar year that an event takes place in (ex. January 1st, 2015 to December 31st, 2015). But school years begin in the fall and end the next spring. This means that a school year will be in two calendar years, for example 2014-2015 or 2015-2016.
What determines when a “school year” is?
You do! In CircuiTree’s Application Settings go to General > SchoolYearRolloverDate and set the date. This determines which school year is used for an event. If an event begins before the rollover date, it looks at the previous school year. If it begins on or after the rollover date, it looks at the current school year.
How do parents know which grade to put in when they are registering their child online?
When a parent registers their child online, they first select an event year. Then they will need to select which child is registering and enter the child’s grade. You can determine which school year grade is asked in Application Settings > Registration > SchoolYearDifference.
A difference of zero means that the school year starts in the event year; e.g. a 2015 event year will be asking for the 2015-2016 school year. A difference of -1 means that it will subtract one from the event year and ask for the 2014-2015 school year.
What happens if the parent wants to register for an event in a different school year than the one being asked for?
In this case, the parent is registering for an event that is not in the current school year. For example, they register in the 2015 event year, and they are asked for the 2015-2016 school year grade. Then the events taking place before the rollover date will automatically calculate back one year. If they have already entered a grad for that previous year in another registration, the system will use that grade.