How do I transfer a Registration?

Plans change and people sometimes need to switch Events. Follow these steps to transfer an attendee into their desired Event.

Find Registration

  1. Navigate to the registration and go to the Profile. Under Enrolled, click Transfer.

CT6 - Transfer

Select Event

  1. The first time that you transfer a registration, a tour will appear that highlights the different section. Click Next to proceed through the tour.

CT6 - Transfer Tour

Quick Tip – If you need to review the tour again, click on the CT6 - Restart Tour icon at the bottom of the screen.
  1. The criteria on the left hand side is pre-filtered based on the individual based on the Event that they are transferring out of. Make any updates that are needed and click Find to update the Event List. Use the search bar at the top of the Event List to find a specific Event.

CT6 - Transfer Criteria

  1. Drag and drop an Event Division from the Event List to the right hand column under drop events here. To remove an Event, click on the CT6 - Remove Icon icon.

CT6 - Transfer Drag and Drop

  1. Once the new Event has been selected, click Next.

Preview Transfer

  1. The Preview Transfer step will display any restrictions that will prevent the Transfer, the status of any Attendee Steps, and a summary of the accounting. If needed, the transfer fee can be waived.

CT6 - Preview Transfer

  1. Once you have reviewed the transfer, click Process Transfer at the bottom of the screen.

Transfer Complete

  1. On the Transfer Complete step, review the information and click Make a Payment if nessesary or click Close.

CT6 - Transfer Complete


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