Glossary of Terms



ACH: Stands for Automated Clearing House, aka electronic check. These checks can be batched and submitted online for quicker, simpler processing.

Allocation: the association of a specific resource with a specific event’s timeframe. Allocations can happen at either event or event division level and can persist for part or all of an event’s duration.

Appeal: a specific method of soliciting funds for a particular campaign. Examples include postcard mailings, e-mail blasts, golf tournaments, etc.

Attendee: any person or group who attends your events.

Attendee Workflow / Section: the sequence of steps each enrollee works through when registering. The sequence can be different for different event divisions. Each step can be asked during registration or skipped to be reviewed later in the online account.

Attribute: a user-defined field. Can take a number of formats (text box, check box, etc.). Classified in certain categories; those categories can then be attached to certain entities (like Family or Individual) or special sections (like Medical) in the application or website specially designed to display those attributes.

Automated Email: an email generated and sent by the CircuiTree system in response to particular actions. You can modify these emails’ format, but you cannot create new ones.

Automated Payment (or Auto-Payment): these payments can be setup internally or in the parent portal and are scheduled payments that will be automatically drafted from an e-check or credit card.  NOTE:  An auto-payment that has been setup in the parent portal WILL NOT be drafted during the month of the “balance due” date.  For example, if you have an event that occurs June 1, but it’s balance is due date is May 15, there will be no option for a payment to be drafted in May.

Automatic Discount: a discount that’s applied by the system when certain conditions (defined by rules) are met. Applied during registrations and later actions (like repricing.) Rules are cumulative; in other words, if you set up three rules, a discount must satisfy all three rules before it is applied.


Batch: a set of transactions “signed” by a particular user that receive a batch number (either AR or GL.) Batches can either by closed manually by the operator or automatically by the CircuiTree system.


Campaign: a coordinated effort to raise funds. Usually has a specific purpose; may also have a designated time frame. (Example: Chapel Building Fund Drive 2015)

CampLink: the section of the CircuiTree software that handles the creation and management of: events and resources; entities (individuals, groups, and families); itineraries, registrations, and reservations; and financial information and payment options.

Capacity Based Resource: a resource that is measured by the number each discrete unit can accommodate. Lodging and meeting rooms are the most common examples.

Client: an organization who has a contract with CircuiTree to use the CircuiTree software

Client License: a code used to activate a SalesLink or PhotoLink installation. Each license carries an annual fee and is associated with a particular machine. Licenses can be deactivated and reused as needed (e.g., upgrading a sales terminal at the store.) Restricted development licenses can also be created for testing.

Communication Mechanism: a method to communicate with customers. Examples are email, phone, fax, or in-person meetings.

Company: a client as represented in CircuiTree’s software. Exists in the Security area and has certain settings to manage email notifications and organization-specific application settings

Company Division: a high-level representation of separate units within your organization. Useful for situations in which accounting is separate for different aspects of your business (e.g., work in different states, keep separate books for groups v. summer camps, keep different credit card accounts for different business units, etc.)

Cost Center: represents a focus of economic activity such as a particular summer camp or afterschool program, usually having its own set of GL codes to track economic activity.

Customer: an enrollee or potential enrollee. Can be an individual, family, or group.


Damage: a designation for inventory that has been harmed or destroyed and is no longer available for sale. Technically, is a store location.

Discount: a reduction in the amount you charge your attendees.

Discount Code: a particular set of characters, either user-defined or system-defined, that the customer can use to trigger a web-based manual discount

Donation: a gift of money. Must be tied to a specific donation fund. Optionally, can be tied to a campaign, an appeal, or a prior pledge. Can be recorded only (as in the case of a paper check) or processed directly by CircuiTree (as with an electronic payment).

Donation Fund: a specific fund with particular GL codes for a set of donations. Usually corresponds to an existing designation in the main accounting system.

Donor: an entity in the CircuiTree system who has given or may give money to the organization as a donation.

DonorLink: the section of the CircuiTree software that handles the creation and management of donors, donations, campaigns, appeals, and pledges.


Entity: high-level general term representing an individual, group, or family. All three classifications have certain aspects in common because they are all entities.

Event: High-level term describing what you offer your guests. Examples include summer camp, weekend conference, afterschool retreat,etc. Basically defined by name and date.

Event Division: a subdivision of an event with its own set of admission rules and charges. Typical divisions are male/female (for housing), different ages (for different charges), and leader/group member (e.g., youth groups with a youth minister.)

Event Division Types: different classification of event divisions for use in reporting and filtering. Examples include Boys, Girls, Adults, Youth, and Leader, among others.

Event Types: different classifications of events for use in reporting and filtering. Examples include Summer Camp, Conference, Retreat, and Rental, among others.


GL Code: general ledger code. Designed in CircuiTree to correspond with same code in main accounting system.

Group: a record in the CircuiTree system denoting a collection of individuals. (Groups can exist with no members initially; individual members can be added later.) Holds information much like individual: identification information, contact information, group roster, and registration history (including financial history)

Guest Category: a classification for the types of guests you serve. User-defined.


Immunizations: shot record for an individual.

Income Category: Defined when setting up an A/R Category.  Indicates that this A/R category is real money.  For example payments, refunds, and transfers will all use an A/R category marked as Income Category.  Income Category is used as as internal accounting safeguard to prevent refunds from being created for more money than has been received.

Individual: a record in the CircuiTree system denoting a single person. Holds information like identity (name, age, etc.), contact information, group membership, and registration history (including financial history).

InfoLink: the section of the CircuiTree software that contains reports, queries, and mass emails. Queries form the basis of reports and mass e-mails by generating sets of data tailored to particular needs which can be sent to the screen or to a data file. Reports display the data in a useful format and can be printed or exported to another format (like PDF). Mass emails can send the same message to a large group of recipients.

Itinerary: a structure that contains one or more registrations or reservations. Is owned by an entity (like a family, group, or individual), covers a specified date range, and usually is attached to the entity responsible for payment.


Location: a place, usually physical (except a web conference), that has hosting facilities. Typically has a unique address and tax rate.


Manual Discount: a discount that’s designed to be applied by your staff based on individual judgment. The exception is a web discount with an associated code; in that case, the customer manually enters the code which must match the one in the associated rule.

Mass Email: an email you generate to send to targeted people. Begin with a query to get the set of recipients, then compose the message yourself. Created and sent individually by your personnel.

Medical Conditions: a set of medical questions available for use on medical forms. Conditions usually fall under categories like Allergies, Social Conditions, or Health History.

Medical Form Configurations: a distinct set of questions, conditions, and requirements for a particular medical form. Can have multiple medical forms based on diversity of event offerings. One medical form per event division.

Merge Field: used in a mass e-mail to insert a value (like someone’s name or amount owed) from the underlying query into the body of the email.


Nightly Process: an automated process run by the main CircuiTree servers, typically just after midnight Central time, that performs a number of processes. These include scheduled payments, coordination with credit card processors to close batches, closing certain internal batches like transfers, and submitting summaries of such information to designated e-mail addresses for each client.


Paying Entity: the entity who is primarily responsible for a registration, reservation, or itinerary. This entity enrolls attendees and is responsible for payment for the itinerary items.  Set on the Itinerary.  Example is a youth group bringing kids to an event.

PhotoLink: the section of the CircuiTree software that manages photography for an organization. Includes a stand-alone program (PhotoLink) that imports pictures, allows for cabin and individual matching, creates face shots, and uploads the results to a SmugMug account. There is also a configuration area within CircuiTree itself. SmugMug accounts are typically set up by your business analyst.

Pledge: a promise to give money. Can be tied to a specific campaign, appeal, and/or donation fund. Can also be configured to set up automatic donation payments in the future.

Privilege: a specific permission to perform an operation in CircuiTree. Can be assigned to individual user accounts or to security groups.


Quantity Based Resource: a resource that is measured by the number of discrete units available. Examples include backpacks, bicycles, canoes, and horses.


Registration: a structure that connects an attendee to an event. Usually has additional sections pertinent to the event like health information, roommate requests, store card information, and event-specific attributes.

Registration Status: the states a registration can be in:

  • Pending – A Registration that has been started, but the deposit has not been paid. Once deposit is paid, the status is changed to Active.
  • Active – A deposit for a Registration has been made or overridden internally.
  • Waiting List – All spots for the Event Division have been taken. Users have the option to add their name to a Waiting List online or registrars can add them manually.
  • Pending Waiting List – A Waiting List Registration has been started, but not completed. The registration process was stopped before clicking Finish during Checkout.
  • Cancelled – The Registration has been cancelled. Can only be manually completed by going to Registration Details > Actions > Cancel.

Registration Type: signifies what kind of enrollee the event allows, whether individual, group, family, or child (parent enrolling child.)

Reprice: this is when the system re-looks at all the charges, available discounts, resources, and scholarships (taking into account any changes made since the last calculation) and updates the price appropriately

Request Code (Group): a code created by a group leader who is inviting someone to take a registration spot that was formerly anonymous. Created and submitted by group leader via email, used by group member in registration.

Request Code (Roommate): a code created by an attendee who is inviting someone to be a roommate at an event. Created and submitted by the attendee via email and used by invitee in online registration.

Reservation: a structure that connects an attendee to a resource. Can be part of a registration or an itinerary. Is not synonymous with registration.

Resource: a term that includes any number and type of items or places or activities you wish to offer to your attendees. Examples include bicycles, lodging, meeting halls, microphones, transportation, and horseback riding, among others.

Resource Category: a broad classification of similar resources. Examples might include paintball field (where resources are specific paintball fields) or cabins (distinct from other housing like teepees or hotel rooms or dorms.)


SalesLink: the section of the CircuiTree software that manages sales and merchandise for an organization. Includes a stand-alone program (SalesLink) that makes sales at a particular store location and accepts credit cards, checks, cash, charge to department, and charge to account as payment methods. Also includes a web store that accepts credit cards as payment. Also includes section in main application where the inventory can be created, priced, received, and transferred as well as other configuration options.

Scholarship: a payment made on an account from donated money. Can be limited (restrictions on total amount given and/or amount given per attendee) or open (no such restrictions). Can be linked to a donation campaign.

Secondary Entity: an entity who has a connection to a registration without primary responsibility for enrolling and payment. Example is a parent of a child who’s been invited to an event as part of a youth group.

Security Group: a group which can have members and permissions. Groups usually represent particular roles (like Registrar or Accounting Supervisor) which have just enough permissions to fulfill their responsibilities and include people who perform those jobs at an organization.

Shrink: a designation for inventory that cannot be accounted for by sale, transfer, or damage. Technically, is a store location.

Store Location: a distinct place to maintain and sell goods. Active store locations are expected at least to have an inventory from which sales are made.


Transfer: the simultaneous cancelling of a prior registration and creation of a new registration, using the deposit from the cancelled registration as the deposit for the new one.


User: an operator of the CircuiTree software. Each user has a particular numeric ID and a set of privileges. Operations in CircuiTree (particularly financial transactions) are “signed” by the operator by associating the user ID with the operation. Each company also has a web user; this represents any activity conducted on the website by a company’s attendees.