What rules are used to determine duplicate individuals?


What rules are used to determine duplicate individuals in CircuiTree?


There are 2 types of duplicate matches in CircuiTree:   Similar and Exact Matches.

Similar matches are never displayed to the customer.  They are used in CT5 to allow users to review potential matches and continue saving as new or use one of the potential matches.  When CT5 finds a potential match, it will give a choice of selecting the potential match, or continuing to save the new user you have already entered.

Exact matches are used to prevent users from duplicating individuals in CircuiTree.  CircuiTree will not allow an Exact match to be saved.

Similar Match

  • An individual is considered a similar match if the following criteria are met:
    • First Name match
    • Last Name match
    • 1 of the following match (if the field is not blank)
      • Birth date
      • Email
      • Phone Number
      • Duplicate Key Address (Last Name + Address (30)  + Zip (5)
      • City, State, and Zip(5)

Exact Match

  • An individual is considered an exact match if the following criteria are met:
    • First Name match
    • Last Name match
    • Suffix match (i.e. Jr.)
    • If both individuals have a birth date then:
      • Birth date must match
      • 1 of the following must match: (if the field is not blank)
        • Email
        • Phone Number
        • DupKeyAddress (Last Name + Address(30) + Zip(5)
    • If birth date is blank on either individual then:
      • 1 of the following must match: (if the field is not blank)
        • Email
        • Phone Number
        • DupKeyAddress (Last Name + Address(30) + Zip(5)