Once you have created an individual, family, or group in CircuiTree, you may wish to review and edit that information. You may also need to do this as people call you and ask you to update their information for them. The following shows how to update contact information, basic personal information, and special notes and communications. It also shows how to maintain group memberships and discusses sharing contact information and dealing with deceased customers.
0:00 – 0:30: Finding a customer
0:30 – 2:05: Modifying contact information
2:05 – 3:20: Modifying personal information for an individual
3:20 – 4:00: Understanding the “deceased” flag
4:00 – 4:45: Creating and reviewing notes
4:45 – 5:45: Creating and reviewing communications and other fields
5:45 – 7:36: Managing group membership (adding, removing, and modifying information/roles)