How do I setup a Credit Card processor?

The Setting Up Credit Card Processor video shows how to set up credit card processor information in CircuiTree so that it can run credit cards for tuition and merchandise payments. Please note that you must set up an account with your preferred credit card processor before you use this section. CircuiTree currently supports a number of different gateways, so you must make sure you have an account with at least one of those gateways independently of your CircuiTree relationship.

0:00 – 0:30: Explains the purpose of this setup process

0:30 – 2:30: Shows which fields are required and which ones you’ll get from your credit card processor

2:30 – 3:05: Shows how and discusses when you’d disable an account

3:05 – 4:01: Shows how to select credit card types to process (which must be already set up with your preferred processor)

Quick Tip –  Confirm that all 4 credit card types (Visa, MC, Discover, AmEx) are being setup through your processor contract.  If not, you will need to unselect that card’s check box so it will not appear as a payment option. Otherwise, an error message will display every time someone tries to pay with that kind of card.