How do I reserve Shuttles and Flight Information?

The following shows how to reserve shuttles and enter flight information to confirm the reservations.

Step 1:Begin a registration for a person or group

First, create a new registration for the person or group you wish to register by choosing the appropriate registration wizard. Proceed through the registration until you get to the Resource Reservation step.

Step 2: Choose the transportation option you need

Choose the appropriate shuttle from the list provided. Since shuttles have unlimited capacity, you shouldn’t need to worry about availability.

Step 3: Complete the registration and check the results

Complete the registration wizard, including the payment step, and verify that the appropriate reservation has been made. You’ll notice that the initial status of this reservation is “on hold”.

Step 4: Open the reservation and enter flight information

Once flight information becomes available, open the reservation and choose the Flights tab. Add the necessary flight information. You’ll need departure date, airline, flight number, and originating airport for a standard flight. (Charter flights may not require this full set of information). Once the information has been entered, click the Get Flight Data to connect this reservation to the corresponding flight in our database. Once this connection is made, notification information on this flight will be available to your staff.

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